“Station” featuring Krishna Das

I've re-released "Station," a song I recorded with my friend, Krishna Das many years ago, as a digital single. It's now available to purchase on Bandcamp, and to stream on Apple Music, Spotify, and pretty much everywhere else.  Please check it out. It's been nearly two decades since I wrote the song, "Station." The words and melody came to me in a vivid... Continue Reading →

Kirtan Daily Chant Sheets

As many of you have been asking for word sheets to accompany our daily chanting practice, I thought I’d post them here. What follows below is the opening invocations, followed by a collection of most all of the simpler chants we sing together each morning, and finally the closing prayers. You should be able to... Continue Reading →

Q&A: Is Kirtan Religious?

Since the coronavirus quarantine went into effect here in New York City on March 14th, we’ve been offering morning chanting from the altar in our living room here in Brooklyn. While I’m still admittedly working through a bit of awkwardness around singing with a group through the eyes and ears of an iphone, I’ve found... Continue Reading →

Our Lady of Aparecida

When I was 20 years old, I wrote a song entitled “Miss Fine Mix,” inspired by a Belle Waring poem called “When A Beautiful Woman Gets On The Jutiapa Bus.”  At the time, I had aspirations of becoming a great and famous singer songwriter, and had recently quit college, moved to Boston with my cousin,... Continue Reading →

Christmas on the Down and Out

Christmas on the Down and Out 1 It was Christmas Eve. I was living in a dilapidated $400 a month studio in Williamsburg, my first apartment in Brooklyn, and I had passed the better part of the day sprawled across a coffee-stained futon mattress, smoking generic brand cigarettes, alternating between cups of instant Nescafé and... Continue Reading →

Thank you, Stan Lee

"Virtually every kid is exposed to giants and ogres and talking wolves, and so forth. And magic. And I think you never outgrow your love for those imaginative, fanciful, farfetched, fantastic characters and situations." – Stan Lee My childhood bedroom was at the end of a long hallway, adjacent to my sister's room on one side... Continue Reading →

The Grand Street Sessions

There is a Stan Lee post coming.  Given the sorry state of my computer, currently transitioning through its death throes and its replacement on its way, the post will likely be up in a couple days. For now, I thought I'd take a moment to share some kirtan dates with you, as well as this... Continue Reading →

More Bitcoin: Some Sunday Afternoon Thoughts After A Walk in the Park

We spent this morning in Prospect Park with our five month old puppy, Leia.  The park allows owners to unleash their dogs before 9 am, a policy that welcomes an odd assortment of neighborhood characters and personalities; borderline eccentrics, semi-conscious financial planners, pajama-wearing elementary school teachers, introverted dog walkers, hungover yoga teachers; all punctuating the... Continue Reading →

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